About IBA
Organizational Structure

The Application Process for IBA Elections 2022

1. Application

(By Candidates)

As part of the online application process, candidates will be expected to provide several documents:

  • Either a completed National Federation Nomination Form or Continental Confederation Nomination form
  • Copy of the candidate’s passport
  • Proof of place of residence
  • Copy of the official register of criminal records
  • Copy of the official register of debt collection / bankruptcy
  • Detailed curriculum vitae or biography
  • Any additional document supporting that the candidate fulfills the eligibility criteria

Candidates for the position of Independent Director will also be expected to provide:

  •  Any document supporting that the candidate has specific skills to serve as an Independent Director

2. Formal Check

(By the IBA Head Office and the interim Independent Nomination Unit)

A formal check of the application is conducted to determine if:

  • The deadline has been complied with
  • Each candidate has been duly nominated by a Confederation or a National Federation
  • The application file of each candidate is complete
  • The candidate has not reached the maximum number of terms of office

Candidates who fail the formal check shall be informed at this stage.

3. Eligibility Check

(By the Independent Vetting Firm and the interim Independent Nomination Unit)

  • The file of each candidate shall be sent to the Independent Vetting Firm (Genius Sports), which will conduct further checks of the candidate’s background
  • The interim Independent Nomination Unit, based on the report issued by the Independent Vetting Firm will decide if each candidate meets the high standards of conduct, reputation and integrity required of a President or Independent Director
  • Candidates who fail the eligibility check shall be informed at this stage

4. For Independent Directors Only: Selection Process

(By the Independent Vetting Firm and the Nomination Unit)

The Independent Vetting Firm and the interim Independent Nomination Unit will assess the skills of each eligible candidate for a position as Independent Director, based on:

  • The skills map completed by the candidate during the application process
  • Each candidate’s CV or biography
  • Assessment of the documents provided by each candidate
  • Assessment of information about each candidate, possibly obtained in the course of a short interview, or which is in the public domain or otherwise available

Selection by the Nomination Unit of a pool of 20 to 30 candidates, who shall then be eligible to stand for elections by the Congress. The pool shall include:

  • Representation of all continents
  • Gender balance
  • Appropriate representation of skills

5. Publication of the list of Candidates