About IBA
Organizational Structure

IBA Congress

The Congress is the assembly of all Eligible National Federations.

According to article 17.1 of the IBA Constitution:

The Congress has the power and, when required by this Constitution, the duty to:

(a) determine whether or not a Provisional Member of IBA shall be admitted as a National Federation;

(b) determine whether or not to revoke or extend the suspension of a suspended National Federation, or to terminate that National Federation’s membership of IBA;

(c) elect the President and Directors of the Board and to conduct such elections as it is required to conduct in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution;

(d) on a motion of no confidence adopted by the Voting Delegates from at least 2/3 (two thirds) of all Eligible National Federations in attendance at a meeting of the Congress, remove the President or any other elected Director from office as a member of the Board;

(e) determine whether or not to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Congress;

(f) determine whether or not to approve IBA’s audited financial report;

(g) determine whether or not the Board has discharged its financial obligations;

(h) approve or not approve other reports submitted to it by the Board;

(i) determine whether or not to move the location of the IBA Head Office;

(j) confer Distinguished Service Awards;

(k) define the geographic area over which a Confederation shall extend for the purpose of the membership of that Confederation;

(l) on exceptional circumstances to decide the participation in the Competitions of the Boxers affiliated to a National Federation in neutral status; to decide not to invite Boxers affiliated to a National Federation to the Competitions, or to decide on restrictions to hold the Competitions within the territory of any National Federation. For reasons of expeditiousness, the Board may decide these matters on a provisional basis and then submitted to Extraordinary Congress or Ordinary Congress (whatever comes first) in order to issue the resolution on time;

(m) amend or replace this Constitution with the vote from at least 2/3 (two thirds) of all Eligible National Federations in attendance at a meeting of the Congress; and

(n) dissolve IBA with the vote from at least 3/4 (three quarters) of all Eligible National Federations in attendance at a meeting of the Congress as per article 50.

The Extraordinary Congress is convened when needed