Medical Development

1. Medical Development Program 2021-2022
- Educating active doctors to deliver the Ring-Side Doctor and Cutmen courses
- Forming and updating the list of all active doctors from NFs, rating them (e.g. National Doctor, working in Continental championship etc.)
- Recertification Ringside Doctor Course in all Confederations
- Create an electronic database of medical history and all medical examinations
- Organize First-Aid Course for the Coaches within the championships as well as a separate Course for Cutmen
2. Ringside Doctors Courses
New Recertification Ringside Doctors Course is an extraordinary opportunity for National Federations to enrol their best eligible personnel. The main objective here is to help develop IBA Ringside Doctors and increase the pool of elite ringside doctors around the world.
The respective course consists of theoretical and practical sessions followed by theoretical and practical examination. The course as well as theory examination will be held in English. It will be open for the already certified doctors as well as the doctors who would want to be AIBA certified for the first time.
Eligibility Criteria
- MUST have a Diploma in Medicine – not as a dentist, physio, paramedic, etc
- Must be approved and referred by the National Federation
- No specific number of years of experience is needed
- Not necessary to be surgeons
- Must not be suspended for a breach of the Constitution and/ or Regulations of AIBA or National Federation, as well as for anti-doping rules
Please send your questions and requests regarding IBA Medical Development to